Monday, June 30, 2008


1. Do you think these data collection tools are valid scientific tools? Why or Why not? (In research this is part of what is called validity)

I think these data collection tools are valid as scientific tools because to develop these ideas or questions, researchers take the necessary steps to create tools to predict certain phenomenons, including particular way of observation, thinking, experimenting and validating.

2. Do you think your results would be if you took the on-line questionnaire at a different time, on a different day? Why or why not? (In research this is part of what is called reliability

It can vary in certain questions but the results would not change much because the questions are made in such a way that factors , such as time on different day or mood cannot interferer on the results.

3. Which of the two tools is better to do with a large group of people (eg. university students, people living in cities versus rural locations, etc.) to discover patterns of happiness in a given population? Why do you think that one is better suited?

I believe that these tools may be better to do with university students because the group is homogenius. I think that with group of with different life circumstances it would not possible to discover patters of happiness because the questions would vary from one group to other.


Defender of Anarchy said...

hey it's me eve lol add me up haha love your place

Lamia said...

Hi Fatu,
I agree with you on the third question these tools may be better to do with group have same circumstances. It is not easy to measure the happiness for people from different life circumstances.

saida said...

Hi Fati,
I disagree with you on question 2. I think that the results can be different if you are facing a hard time in your life, even if you are happy with your job and with your success in life. for example, if someone in your family has a trouble or is sick, this can cause different results on the questionnaries.

Shaikah said...

i think maybe mood affects the way you answer the questions,, because if for example you were having a really hard time in a certain problem or situation,, and you had to answer a question that says (do you think your life is generally joyful) >> what would you answer in both moods? :D

Nadden said...

I am with you, in addition the way they are putting the choices of the answers can lead the participants to the results they want, which means that the results could be incorrect information (misleading)