Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Playing Video Game

There is nothing wrong to play video games. It is an entertainment as any other, such TV, movies, internet. But when it becomes addictive, it is a serious problem. I’m not avid player, but this does not mean that I do not like playing, I love it. I like to play everything related to sports. I found that video games are very interested furthermore of being an excellent teaching for motivational and learning process. However I have experimented other feeling very different from researcher state about these games. According to them, one of the reasons people play these games is for stress relief; in my case, it did not happened, quite the opposite. I get anxiety and I cannot stop playing. When I realized that I spent great deal of time to get the top level while I left many more important outstanding things I placed a limit myself. Now, I only play with Tiger once a while in a virtual world. There is nothing more enjoyable that playing with my friends in a beautiful park where everything is real.
But what happen when children and youth do not limit themselves? It is a crucial issue; even more when the most popular games are associated with violence allowing players to engage in a serious simulate aggression. I think that to avoid any negative effects on children and youth, parents must play an important roll in this issue, once parents limit the amount of time and types of games, those games are more useful and fun .

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oral Presentation Experience

Talking in public is not easy task, at least to me. It was a big challenge. Being first in the list I think it is hard, after 6 presentations I have learned a lot, thank you guys. PowerPoint was a useful tool, it was a important guide, it made me feel more comfortable, at no time I felt doubt about which is the next step or link. I admited that part of my topic is was not easy to understand but I did my best. Definitely it was a good practice. I guess that before long I will have more presentation as you guys as well. I wish to everybody the best and when we will be there we are going to rememeber our first presentation with Marley and Scott and what we have lerned here. I always learn from my mistakes.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Research Paper Experience

It was a very busy week but thank God, we finished one the most important part. Today, after everybody handed the research paper looked more happy and relaxed. It seemed me a fantastic idea of going the park and sharing a moment of relax after an active week.
It was a great experience because one never knows how capable we are until we do it. It was not an essay job but it gave the essential tools all what a university student need as base to start a research paper. Not only I learned to link ideas, to paraphrase, to focus, to summarize, it means, the research’s body, but also, there are small things that it seems unimportant but unfortunately they are, such as to cite the author in each paragraph, to refer every single paper that I read and how to handle my time. I have never written 19 pages in English, it was a great challenge. In this course I have learned lot things, now not only I read my first book in English but also I wrote more than 4000 words, and the next challenge is to present all what I have learned. I think that this week and the next one will be the most fascinate part because everyone is anxious to learn more staff. I wish to everybody the best because we deserve it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Book Project Experience

The Kite Runner novel is my first book in English and one of the best books that I have read. I love reading any kind of books, especially those books that lead me to think, learn and understand others way of life or thoughts. Particularly, I enjoy reading the Kite Runner because the narrative employed by the author is easy to follow or maybe because the novel is a genuine and emotional story today that one cannot stop reading. There is any doubt that my next book that l m going to read, right away after finishing this course, is “A Thousand Splendid Sun” I believe that this Book Project is very helpful and effective. One not only learns vocabulary but also develop many skills such as, to summarize the story, to present it and to write no the way that one is accustomed without to spoil the tale.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Argentina Population

The population of Argentina was reckoned in 36.1 million inhabitants in the 2001. Of these, a 50% concentrates on the province of Buenos Aires and in the Federal Capital. The population growth rate in 2008 was estimated to be 40.5million. The Argentina population has the lowest growth rate in all Latin America, about 1% per year, likewise, it has the smallest infant mortality rate. The median age is approximately 29 years and a life expectancy of 75 years at birth.
This pyramide represents the argentinan population and as you can see it has an extensive base due to the great number of births and it tightened gradually by the cumulative and growing mortality to the extent that enlarges the age of the population.
Argentina is a unstable country, its economy vary constantly each 6 years, each time that Argentina suffers economic crisis such as it ocurred in 2001 led people to leave the country, to migrate from the rural zones to big cities looking for new opportunities and to rethink about having children. Once the crisis is over, people start to invest again and come back from abroad, however, people from the rural zones do not return to the farms. Likewise, international firms take advantages from this peak and they set up temporarily while it lasts the prosperity. All this reasons lead that the pyramide expands in determined periods or it shrinks when all it seems to indicate going into recess.
All these imbalance led to increase the poverty and the differences between the high class and low class is huge, meanwhile the middle class is disappering.
One of the reasons why I migrated to Canada is due to this lack of estability. These repeated economic depressions led me to think seriouly not only to leave Argentina but also having my own family. I wish Argentina will be able to bring security and estability to its citizens but this will be take long time. People deserve the best because Argentina is a rich country, it should not suffer these crisis but unfortunately it happends.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Gender or Cross Cultural?

I believe that the difference between male and female communicating is quite similar between people from different cultures due to the communication in any language involves intonation, volume, emphasis, and non-verbal signals such as, gestures, eye contact, touch, posture, and not just words. All these features may lead to misunderstanding, over reaction, insult. Let’s see some examples; Western countries speakers tend make use of eye contact to show sincerity while in Asia this approach is a sign of aggression, disrespect. Those from cultures that have the propensity to touch by acting in a natural way may cause indignation. Some cultures go move quickly to the point; others talk long enough to establish a relationship with the other person.
All these dissimilarities do not mean that people from culture different cannot get married. Learning from exchanges cultures and moving slowly instead of jumping to the conclusion in base what one think or feel are some tools that people use in order to establish a good marriage.

Monday, June 30, 2008


1. Do you think these data collection tools are valid scientific tools? Why or Why not? (In research this is part of what is called validity)

I think these data collection tools are valid as scientific tools because to develop these ideas or questions, researchers take the necessary steps to create tools to predict certain phenomenons, including particular way of observation, thinking, experimenting and validating.

2. Do you think your results would be if you took the on-line questionnaire at a different time, on a different day? Why or why not? (In research this is part of what is called reliability

It can vary in certain questions but the results would not change much because the questions are made in such a way that factors , such as time on different day or mood cannot interferer on the results.

3. Which of the two tools is better to do with a large group of people (eg. university students, people living in cities versus rural locations, etc.) to discover patterns of happiness in a given population? Why do you think that one is better suited?

I believe that these tools may be better to do with university students because the group is homogenius. I think that with group of with different life circumstances it would not possible to discover patters of happiness because the questions would vary from one group to other.